Summer refresh.


Last school year was a bear for us all. We taught remotely, we taught combinations of remote and in-person, we taught multiple groups on different days, and we taught in person. We were told 6-feet was very important until there were too many kids in school to do 6-feet, then 3-feet became important. And let's see, how many first days did we have? Well, I quit counting so, I'm not really sure anymore!

Thank goodness for summer! We have 8 weeks of summer break, and it's been a little more than a month now. When people ask what I've done, I say nothing. Glorious nothing. So I have done the following:
  • watched TV
  • read
  • napped
  • spent untold hours on social media
  • lunched with friends
  • played with the grandkids
  • went on lots of long walks with Ron
  • and lots of no-brain needed things ;)
I focused on all those good nothing things that there just never seems to be enough time for during the school year! 

But doing nothing isn't quite right. More tangible things have slipped into all this nothingness and I've moved forward on more than a few things!
  • finished plans for a summer reading program
  • practiced my Spanish *most* days
  • crocheted several blankets
  • found a new place to live in the fall
  • worked in the school book room
  • made new EASY, Nonfiction, and Fiction signs
  • started making plans for an idea I got about Library Reading Journals
  • visited some ideas for Kindle books
  • worked on various website
I also applied and interviewed for a job outside my comfort zone. I didn't get it, but I gave it a shot!

Today, I'm trying not to panic as I look over the next three weeks. My Type A personality is trying to assert itself, and I'm just not ready for it to emerge. Even though, reality says I've done more than nothing, the schedule was relaxed. If I got up and chose to do nothing, nothing was a fine accomplishment. 


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