A year of tidying up . . .

About a year in any case! Before the 2014-15 school year was over, I bought Marie Kondo's book.


I really didn't think there was much I could learn. I am an organizer by nature. I can whip anything into shape. Maybe I wanted confirmation, and we were near the end of our home renovations. I was ready for a deeper level of cleaning things out.

What I realized though is if you have more than one of a thing, you have to keep organizing them. You have to keep sorting them. You have to continuously remember where to put that obscure item you don't remember why you pulled out.

So, we dug in. We kept things we liked. We gave away and discarded things we didn't like or use. Easy right!? Well, even for a cold-hearted soul like me, there were times that it wasn't all that easy. It was brutal to be brutal. And I thought I was. Yet, I'm still finding boxes and thinking, "that needs to go." I put a banker's box of electrical things out for Ron yesterday. I didn't know what was reusable. He kept two items from the box and the rest was carted off. My biggest downfall is, "can I use that at school?" But even those items are having a shorter and shorter life span.

What we gained was space. Lot's of space. Closets and cabinets have room to remove something without the interiors collapsing on themselves. We had enough room in closets to move other things into them. We kept furniture we used and got rid of the rest.

The one area I haven't tackled yet with any gusto is pictures and videos. And even though I cut my wardrobe in half, I still have too many clothes. That's my next goal - A capsule wardrobe.


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