Things neglected for grad school

I've said it before, but there are some things I just flat out miss since being in grad school again.

I miss reading whatever I want. I haven't stopped reading, but I've read brainless trash because I've got no brain power left to read everything I want. I do like reading brainless trash, but not exclusively. I miss biblical and theological readings. I miss doing book reviews.

I desperately miss intense Bible study. I am not whole. I am nearly empty. I am biding time.

I miss writing about topics I feel passionate about. Don't get me wrong. I am passionate about libraries and the role they play in education and society, but there are a few other things I'd like to devote my attention to besides the financial statement of the local public library system.

I miss in-depth planning of lessons. I miss getting lost in a lesson and hunting for all the variables that will make it absolutely smashing. I hate shaving the time off preparation.

I miss never sitting down without thinking about the next assignment -never feeling ahead - never feeling caught up. I miss relaxed conversations and enjoying a cuppa over dessert.

The upside is that I have four (public library) or five (school) depending on the track I decide to finish up on (and I've got to make that decision PRONTO).

The end is in sight. And it's a good thing that it is.


  1. loved this post, and i can relate (though i'm no longer in grad school)

  2. Ahh I can relate, too, though it's been a while. However now extra courses to teach plus my 83-yr-old dad moved in with us have all taken their toll on my time. I have no time except for teaching and doing stuff (meals three times a day which I haven't done for YEARS!) for everyone. It's a stretch finding two hours for a dr appt. Love reading mindless trash -- I have a lot of those on my kindle! LOL

  3. Nathan, I think this is the kind of thing you'd like to forget and just can't. I used to joke about it for my previous experience! What kind of ding-dong am I to do it again?

    Sunnie, Life just doesn't ever seem to get easier, does it ?;)


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