When tech works!

I went to NCTIES last week. Every workshop I went to was fantastic! And I could talk for hours about those workshops, but I've started looking at conferences in a new light. That's probably for a couple of reasons. 1) I've gone to so many this year. This alone is incredible. The more you go to, the more you learn how to conference. And 2) I'm planning the conference for NCSLMA for October of 2018. (Just in case you hadn't heard!) So I'm looking at the things I like, and then thinking about the how in making those my own.

This year, I'd really (really, really) like to go paperless at conference. NCSLMA is 100% volunteer. When new leadership comes in, we have to decide what to do with old stuff. So I've been thinking more and more about that stuff. We've got it down to amazingly small pile for the number of members, but still, there is stuff.

One of the things I wanted to tame this year was the collecting of CEU papers,  along with it's evil twin - the handing out of certificates of completion. School districts are funny in their requirements. Many insist on that certificate. And yet, I hadn't seen or found a way to do this yet that I found satisfactorily paper free. That is until I ran across a little google add-on called autoCrat. And now I can say, fill out a google form to document your CEUs, and I'll email you a certificate!

AutoCrat lets you prebuild a certificate with empty fields and populate it from a form with matching fields. You can set the certificates to be mailed out immediately or you can send them out periodically.

Below is what I found (from Jeffrey Bradbury) in my search for generating a certificate from a google form. AutoCrat has been updated since this was made, but it got me through. Now that I know what autoCrat is, I've found lots of newer videos.


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