How Christians React

I'm human - very human. I speak without thinking, I'm caustic, I'm critical. I am human. I don't want anything I say to make you think I am not cognizant of that fact. I am also a follower of Christ, so even being that wicked human, I have to think about the things of Christ. Russell Moore wrote an excellent post, How Pastors Can Address the Shootings This Sunday.

Most of us aren't pastors, but read it anyway because there are some thoughts for us guys and gals in the pews to ponder on too.

We can all pray for the victims and their families, and we should do it by name. I need to mourn for these parents. What do I really feel about the value of life and the lives of others? I need to examine the farthermost and darkest corners of my heart. Who should I listen to? What can I change? What can I say? What can I do? Where can I go?

HT: Daniel Thompson



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