New Blog to check out

This young blogger, Paul Himes, is the son of an online friend of mine, John Himes aka John of Japan. Paul is also a student of our dear Dave Black and finishing up his PhD at Southeastern.

Blog is Paroikos Bible Blog.


  1. Thanks for the heads up, Bitsy! It looks very nice, but regrettably he doesn't have comments turned on, which makes it more of a website and less of a blog. It's always a shame when promising new sites like that are set up not to interact with others.

  2. I didn't even notice that Esteban! This makes it only a near-blog IMHO. Although I did like what he had to say. AND I've made my opinion of no-comments-allowed-blogs well know. I think I'll email him since he had that on the site and direct him back to these comments!

  3. I heard back from Paul. He did say he's considering it and that it had been recommended by his adviser too. That made me chuckle because his adviser is David Black, Mr. comments-off himself ;)

  4. Well, thanks for passing the info along! I've really been enjoying his posts. And that funny about Dr Black! ;-)


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