On my reader - what I came home to . . .

this isn't a round up post (although I'll most likely write one). It is an irritated post. Now I had added some tech news feeds. I'd added some education, some kitchen, some fun things over the summer. Even taking two classes and a free lance job, there is just more time in the summer.

We were gone five days. Five. The reader sat at 1000+. wow. Some of the feeds had well over 100. Some had over 200! I was gone five days. Who can keep up with that? Averaging one post a day is good. Sometimes I will write several in a day and then can't get back to it for several others. Averages out. I understand why someone may want to write two or three, but I'm sorry - 100+ posts in five days is ridiculous. Actually 50 is way over the top.

So, as I scanned my reader, anything I subscribed to with a minimum of 50 posts was deleted. No questions asked. There just isn't time in life to read that much. I don't care how good the content is.


  1. So true. I need to clean mine up again. Sometimes I just mark "read all" because I don't have time to read them all. I scan a lot now a days.

  2. I'm still trying to find ways to cut back without really cutting back. I guess efficiency is the word. And commenting less.

  3. What also helps is when someone links to good posts by someone else that I don't normally read. I recently added a bunch of people, and I think I'm going to remove them again, and go back to relying on the blog network to inform me of the good stuff.

  4. Robert, I do that periodically and when I catch myself doing it, I generally start pruning.

    Jeff, there has got to be a way without commenting less. I really like the "like" button on FB because people can know you read it and agree but have nothing to add. I'd love to give that a try on WP.

    Nathan, I was reading most of those techy posts and knew I was losing time. I just didn't realize how prolific they were. They had great ideas and product reviews, but really! I sure can't be a jack of all trades if I devote that much time to one thing all the time. The kitchen blog was a lot of fun and had new products, but they had 96 posts in those five days. I need to be reading about math . . . . Another thing I noticed was that the more people post, the less they interact in comments. Don't like that at all. AND we do get the best leads from the people we like to read . . .

  5. I wondered where you had been! Welcome back.

  6. Commenting can take a lot of time so I'm trying to pick my spots. I try to comment on a post that doesn't have a lot of comments. If there's a big debate I should just stay out.

    Nathan, I've also kind of relied on the network to bring me the important stuff.

  7. Well I just tried to delete some. I think I deleted four of them, heh.

  8. Mark: Thank you :D

    Jeff: I know . . . I frequently want to mull something over a bit before I comment. It does take a lot of time. Sometimes (in all timidity) I end up deleting it too. And there have been other times that I went off to think about something and then forget where the original was . . .

    Nathan: every blog deleted is progress ;) I deleted a bunch more this a.m. before leaving. I had a favorites folder and a good folder. Switched a few around and deleted the good folder. It will bug me what I'm missing, but I gotta have time to read the favorites!


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