Getting the Not-Quite-Right Stuff From I Write Like - ArtsBeat Blog -

Getting the Not-Quite-Right Stuff From I Write Like - ArtsBeat Blog -

This is great! The author puts passages from various famous authors in and gets some nearly hilarious results. Like I mentioned in my first post on this, my writing is incredibly multi-faceted OR this little analyzer is just a spin of the roulette wheel.


  1. It's just a blatant drive to direct traffic to Amazon and earn commission as an associate. A quick glance at the HTML code shows this (and I also removed the code from my blog results). It's a clever and disingenuous way to make more money, surprise.

    I also think it is randomly generated. I guess you could do a test by submitting the same entry multiple times, but I have better things to do. 8)

  2. ha! Removing the code is a good idea ;)


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