
Showing posts from September, 2010

Singing all the verses

Most of the churches we've been in sang the first verse and the last verse of every song. Occasionally, there would be a third one thrown in. At this church, we noticed right away that every verse is sung. mmmmmm When we had our music based VBS, that was explained in one of the sessions. The entire song tells a story. If you don't sing it all, you miss part of the story. I'd never thought of that before. Of course I knew the verses worked together, but I'd not considered looking at them altogether. Isn't it amazing how habit takes over and your brain ceases to function? Today we sang Amazing Grace. Newton wrote the words in 1779 (I think) and it was not set to music until the 1800s. It was a poem and only a poem for a long time. A story of redemption told. It bothered me at first to sing all the verses, mainly because so much of the actual music is new to me, but I've tried to take this to heart and read as well as hear the words that build to a story in song. R

over a month

Here I sit wondering why it's been over a month since I've posted. Not really wondering. I know exactly why. School started. Grad school followed. In the last month, I've written well over 20 lessons, developed daily quizzes, written online tests and lessons, trained the staff on how to use a new program hooked into the state evaluation system. I edited a small math book on analogies as well as worked an open house and a back to school night along with working my way through cataloging lessons - some of which were less than successful. I've made some new friends in the way of colleagues and fellow students. I've chosen to work alone and at times with others. I attended my first Circle meeting at Home Moravian and signed up to work two candle teas in December. Ron and I have been to two WFU football games and attended an AIA dinner at the Biltmore last weekend which was a really tasty affair. I've spent precious time with my oldest son. Today, I spent a few minut